12 Januari 2021 -- IMR has received 968 samples from individuals who had travel history to UK since October 2020. From this, 13 cases were identified positive, consisting 8 in December 2020, 2 in November 2020 and 2 in October 2020 plus 1 in January 2021.
- Based on the Real-Time RT-PCR Results o...
11 Januari 2021 -- Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa satu kes COVID-19 varian UK B.1.1.7 atau 20202/01 mutasi spike protein telah dikesan di Malaysia pada hari ini. Kes tersebut telah dilaporkan dari seorang pengembara warganegara yang mempunyai sejarah perjalanan ke Unit...
04 Januari 2021 -- Just how much more serious of a threat South Africa’s 501Y.V2 COVID variant represents has yet to be definitively answered, but British health officials argue that it’s much worse than the UK’s B117.
Just as medical experts seem to be getting a better idea of what we’re facing w...